Marina Pizziolo
Art Consultant. Art Historian and critic, Marina specializes in modern and contemporary art studies, as well as creating and curating major collections.
As exhibition curator, she has worked in Moscow for the Academy of Sciences, in Brussels for the European Parliament, in Lugano for the Gallery of Modern Art, in Rome for Castel Sant’Angelo, in Milan for Palazzo Reale, the Triennale and the Fondazione Mazzotta, in Florence for Palazzo Strozzi and Palazzo Vecchio, as well as for prestigious international galleries. Marina has worked in association with various centers of the Italian Institute of Culture, including New York, Brussels, New Delhi and Beijing.
For three years she was director of the Fondazione Bandera, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Busto Arsizio, near Milan, which under her guidance implemented a programme of exploration of Italian art in the period between 1930 and the present day.
In Milan, for ten years she was director of the Museo Treccani, curating among others a series of exhibitions that explored the work of emerging international artists. Again in Milan, she was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Corrente. She founded and runs the Archivi di Corrente [Corrente Archives], a project for the comparative study of the key figures in the Corrente movement. She also established the Fondazione Francesco Pellin, in Varese, which she then directed for four years.
In New Delhi, she worked with the Birla Academy on the project for a new museum.
In 2007 with Romano Ravasio she launched Art Fair Preview, the first platform in the world to offer an online preview of international art fairs.
The study of private collections. A key aspect of her research is the study of private collections.
In 1995 the experience she had accrued prompted her, with Romano Ravasio, to found Art Consulting, the first company in Italy to apply the critical scientific rules of museum management to the creation and curating of major collections.
Among other things, in 2008 she helped to catalogue the Eni Petroli art collection. Today she is curator of important international collections, with their anonymity respected and guaranteed.
New projects. As part of the project to expand Art Consulting internationally, she is responsible for relations with new collectors.
Marina is currently involved in managing major projects with public institutions in India and the United Arab Emirates. Since 2013 she has been working with the government of Abu Dhabi on a collection of site specific art for the New York University campus on Saadiyat island. For the government of Dubai she is developing various public art projects for Expo 2020 Dubai.
Books. As an essayist, she is the author of numerous publications, including:
Grosso, E, Mollea Ceirano, F & Pizziolo, M 2024, Ri-Connessioni, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin;
Pizziolo, M 2023, Memorie dal futuro. Katja Loher e Dario Tironi, enhanced Focus, EdiXion, Milan;
VV.AA. September 2021 To be continued, Thinking digital. How technologies (will) shape the art book, in collaboration with New York University Abu Dhabi, EduXion – Enhanced educational tools, EdiXion, Dubai;
VV.AA. 2021, Balenciaga. The glamorous 1950s. Drawings from the iconic Maison, enhanced Focus, EdiXion, Dubai;
Demina, N & Pizziolo, M 2017, Dipinti sull’acqua. Da Magnasco a de Conciliis. 1720-2017, Il Cigno GG, Rome;
Pizziolo, M & Ravasio, R 2013, This is not propaganda. Arte Contemporanea italiana. Collezione Antonio Stellatelli, L’Artistica, Savigliano;
Pizziolo, M & Ravasio, R 2012, The Indian renaissance. A research project on the new frontiers of art, L’Artistica, Savigliano;
Pizziolo, M & Ravasio, R 2009, Zhang Dali. Il sogno proibito della nuova Cina, Argo, Turin;
Barbera, L & Pizziolo, M 2009, Migneco europeo, Silvana Editoriale, Milan;
Pizziolo, M & Sgarbi, V 2008, Corrente. Le parole della vita, Skira, Milan;
Pizziolo, M & Ravasio, R 2007, Arte italiana contemporanea. New Entries, Arte-2000, Milan;
Pizziolo, M & Sgarbi, V 2006, Antologia della figurazione contemporanea. Italia: le ultime generazioni. 1, Skira, Milan;
Pizziolo, M 2006, Carlo Levi. Pitture del confino e ritratti, De Angelis, Avellino;
Pizziolo, M & Vanni, A 2005, Arturo Carmassi. 1980-2005, Luciano Vanni Editore, Terni;
Pizziolo, M 2005, Ettore de Conciliis. Opere 1979-2005, Skira, Milan;
Pizziolo, M 2005, Il cenacolo verde. Cassinari, Migneco, Morlotti, Sassu, Treccani in Brianza, Bellavite, Missaglia;
Pizziolo, M 2004, Dino Lanaro e gli artisti di Corrente, Mazzotta, Milan;
Pizziolo, M 2003, Ernesto Treccani e il movimento di Corrente, Skira, Milan;
Crispolti, E & Pizziolo, M 2000, Renato Guttuso. Spes contra spem. I capolavori della Fondazione Pellin, Electa, Milan;
Pizziolo, M 1999, Aligi Sassu. Antologica 1927-1999, Skira, Milan;
Pizziolo, M 1999, Giovanni Paganin. Sculture 1940-1985, Skira, Milan;
Pizziolo, M 1998, Corrente e oltre. Opere dalla collezione Stellatelli. 1930-1990, Charta, Milan;
Pizziolo, M 1998, La Milano dei Brambilla e di Buzzati. Tre amici nel naufragio dei giorni, Gallone Editore, Milan;
Chiappini, R & Pizziolo, M 1997, Opere d’arte della città di Lugano. Fondazione Aligi Sassu, Skira, Milan;
De Micheli, M, De Michelis, M & Pizziolo, M 1995, Le ragioni della libertà. A cinquant’anni dalla Resistenza, Vangelista, Milan;
De Grada, R & Pizziolo, M 1994, Ennio Morlotti. Opere 1940 – 1990, Museo delle Arti e Galleria d’Arte Moderna Palazzo Bandera, Busto Arsizio;
Pizziolo, M 1992, Donato Frisia. L’invenzione del vero, Bolis, Bergamo;
Pizziolo, M 1991, Carnà Informel. Dipinti 1953-1962, Carnate – Ville de Plaisance du Touch;
Pizziolo, M 1991, Artéfici, non artefìci. Arte russa contemporanea, Proserpia, Milan.